Sunday, March 25, 2012

Best birthday ever

Wassup bloggers. Today is my birthday YEED!!! Today was an awesome day. Woke up to Saiyan singing happy birthday to me :). That made me feel like a million bucks. He was at work and everything but he didn't care. He made sure that I was happy and that's what I mainly like about him. He treated me extra special and I'm actually glad that he's here to do that. Anyways H.B. told me happy birthday on twitter YEED?!! Then he suppose to be calling me tonite. Haha in nervous as shit. Haven't heard from him on the phone since like november two years ago on thanksgiving and the day after. Is it cool to be nervous? Anyways had a nice birthday dinner with my family and went shopping with my cousin so I was extra excited. Today was very good in my opinion and I love that. But I mainly gotta give it to Saiyan for giving me the best birthday ever.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Its your birthday tho . . .

I hope you actually took the time out to read this becuz I really put some effort into typing it. . .okay. I'm actually nervous as shit to do this but o well. Its been almost 2 years since i've known you. Do I regret it? Not at all. :) I enjoy messing with you still but sometimes I get nervous as shit to the site of your reject. Idk why but I do. I'm glad to see that everything is going well with you & that your somewhat happy. One of these days I'm gonna come up to Philly & come see you . . .whenever Im not busy as shit & can actually have vacation time. The birthday gift I wanna give you. . .hahaha best be lucky Im not there. I'm just kidding tho . . .or am I? Haha, anyways I hope you enjoy your big day big head & hopefully in the near by future i'll see you or actually get to hear your voice on the phone again. Hint: Thats what I want for my birthday from you . . .& it better happen *jumps at you*. But on a serious note, keep doing your epic shit, keeping your head up, & strive towards success becuz regardless. . .I will always be beside you no matter what. I wish you the best in hopes that you actually recieve it.

P.S. my birthday March 25. I know you didnt forget but just a reminder. . .hope I get my wish :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A laying on a hands (For Colored Girls Poem)

I was missing something
something so important
something promised
a laying on of hands
fingers near my forehead
making me whole
sense pure
all the gods coming into me
laying me open to myself
I was missing something
something promised
a laying on of hands
I know bout/laying on bodies/laying outta man
bringing him all of my fleshy self & some of my pleasure
being taken full eager wet like I get sometimes
I was missing something
a laying on of hands
not a man
laying on
not my mama/holding me tight/saying
I’m always gonna be her girl
not a laying on of bosom and womb
a laying on of hands
the holiness of myself released

I sat up one nite walking a boarding house
screaming/crying/the ghost of another woman
who was missing what I was missing
I wanted to
jump up outta my bones
& be done with myself
leave me alone
& go on in the wind
it was too much
I fell into a numbness
til the only tree I cd see
took me up in her branches
held me in the breeze
made me dawn dew
that chill at daybreak
the sun wrapped me up swinging rose light everywhere
the sky laid over me like a million men
I was cold/I was burning up/a child
& endlessly weaving garments for the moon
with my tears
I found god in myself
& I loved her/I loved her fiercely